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People, Pets and Stress

Pets are a natural stress reliever for humans, but what about their stress? Most of us deal with stress on a daily basis, and the majority of us would like to lessen its hold on us. However, are we fully aware of the daily stress our furry friends face? As with humans, common stressors in our pets' lives can be overwhelming. Together, we can help our pets live happier, healthier lives, just as they do for us.

Prolonged stress in humans and animals can result in increased heart rate and blood pressure, anxiety, altered sleeping patterns, aggression, irritation, poor digestion, skin eruptions, and self- and property destruction, to name a few. Persistent anxiety and stress can wreak havoc on the body's immune system. Stress alters the biochemical state of the body, introducing excess stress hormones into the bloodstream and resulting in an overall disruption of the body's homeostasis. This can exacerbate the body's strain and contribute to further mental or physical illness.

Pets are extremely perceptive of their surroundings. They can be stressed by the same triggers that cause stress in their human companions. Physical and mental health problems of owners can have a direct effect on their pets' physiological state.

Environmental factors such as cigarette smoke, loud noises (TV, radio, video games, etc. ), arguing, crying children, other animals, storms, and strong odors are all common animal stressors (candles, air fresheners, etc.) Animals can also experience stress due to health conditions such as poor diet, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, pain, and sickness. Additionally, there are less tangible stressors, such as loneliness and boredom. The list appears to be quite similar to the things that cause stress in humans, doesn't it?

Pets have been scientifically proven to help humans lower their blood pressure, overcome social barriers, and improve their anxiety and depression. Therefore, what can we do to assist them? The most obvious answer is to spend time with them.

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to reduce the power of stress in both pets and humans. Just as it is critical for your physical and mental health to exercise several times a week, your pet requires exercise as well. Exercise increases blood flow, aids in weight maintenance, and modulates the metabolic and immune systems. Why not take a walk with your dog or play with your cat together? At the end of a long and stressful day, the bright side can be spending quality time with your pet, thereby reducing your stress and improving your overall health and well-being!

Additional stress-relieving measures include providing a constant supply of clean water to help flush toxins from the body and reduce the risk of infection and disease, keeping pet bedding and litter boxes clean, providing proper nutrition through diet and possibly supplementation, and maintaining proper medical care. By feeding a PFI member brand to your pet, you are committing to a brand that has publicly committed to ensuring safe, high-quality pet nutrition. It is critical to provide activities and enrichment in order to alleviate boredom and to maintain a nurturing and loving environment. Finally, animals, like humans, crave love and affection. It is critical to monitor changes, specifically, changes in behavior, activity levels, and weight gain or loss.

Stress is a strong mental and physical entity that, if left unchecked, can have a significant impact on an individual's overall health and wellness. Caring for an animal is a significant responsibility; by being slightly more diligent and attentive to their needs, we can help them live happier, healthier, and more stress-free lives in exchange!



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